program visr c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c visr (velocity interpolation to strain rates): a program to interpolate horizontal station velocities c into on spot translation, rotation, and strain rates. c c For algorithm of the interpolation, see Shen et al., Optimal Interpolation of Spatially Discretized c Geodetic Data, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 2015. c c to run the program: c % visr < drive.file c c --------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8 (a-h,l,o-z) parameter (maxsit=5000,maxc=10) character*100 head character*20 stnf,sitf,outf,crpf character*8 stnl(maxsit+1) integer*8 nstn,nslct,ncrp,nsite,m dimension lonl(maxsit+1),latl(maxsit+1) dimension lon(maxsit),lat(maxsit),uxl(maxsit),sxl(maxsit), . uyl(maxsit),syl(maxsit),cxy(maxsit) dimension pos(2,maxsit),area(maxsit),carea(maxsit) dimension alon(maxc),alat(maxc),blon(maxc),blat(maxc), . dcs(maxc),dsn(maxc) dimension bb(6),ainv(6,6),v(6),x(3),covx(3,3),tx(1),ty(1) common /veldat/nstn,lon,lat,uxl,sxl,uyl,syl,cxy,area common /crpdat/ncrp,alon,alat,blon,blat,dcs,dsn common /inv_v/bb,ainv,rtau,wtt,nslct,chisq common /prmtr/ pi,cov,cutoff_dis,wt_az * * setup the constants * pi = 4.0d0*datan(1.0d0) cov = pi/180.0d0 * * read input file names and options * read(5,'(a)') stnf read(5,'(a)') outf read(5,*) is_wght read(5,*) id_wght read(5,*) min_tau, max_tau, in_tau read(5,*) wt0 read(5,*) rsga read(5,*) id if ( id.eq.1 ) then read(5,*) lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax endif if ( id.eq.2 ) then read(5,'(a)') sitf open(4,file=sitf,status='old') i = 1 10 read(4,20,end=15) stnl(1),lonl(1),latl(1) if ( i.eq.1 ) then latmin=latl(1) latmax=latl(1) lonmin=lonl(1) lonmax=lonl(1) else if (latl(1).lt.latmin) latmin=latl(1) if (latl(1).gt.latmax) latmax=latl(1) if (lonl(1).lt.lonmin) lonmin=lonl(1) if (lonl(1).gt.lonmax) lonmax=lonl(1) endif i = i + 1 goto 10 15 close(4) nsite = i - 1 endif 20 format(a8,2f10.4) if ( id.eq.3 ) then read(5,*) lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax,dlon,dlat endif read(5,*) ncrp if ( then write(6,61) maxc stop endif if (ncrp .ne. 0) then read(5,'(a)') crpf open(4,file=crpf,status='old') do i = 1, ncrp read(4,*) alon(i),alat(i),blon(i),blat(i) if (alon(i).gt.180.0d0 ) alon(i) = alon(i)-360.0d0 if (blon(i).gt.180.0d0 ) blon(i) = blon(i)-360.0d0 enddo close(4) endif * * setup constants for data reweighting according to options * if (is_wght .eq. 1) cutoff_dis = 2.15d0 if (is_wght .eq. 2) cutoff_dis = 10.0d0 wt_az = 0.25d0 ! relative weight of mean azimuth to individual azimuth np_site = 6 ! number of points to compute mean distance used as diameters of circlar weighting area cfa1 = 2.0d0 ! coefficient for circlular area weighing cfa2 = 2.0d0 ! coefficient for circular area weighting as substitute of voronoi area weighting * * setup constants for data reweighting base on options * exlat = cutoff_dis*max_tau/110.0d0 exlon = cutoff_dis*max_tau/110.0d0/dcos(latmax*cov) slatmin = latmin - exlat slatmax = latmax + exlat slonmin = lonmin - exlon slonmax = lonmax + exlon if ( ) slatmin = -90.0d0 if ( ) slatmax = 90.0d0 if ( lonmin = lonmin - 360.0d0 if ( lonmax = lonmax - 360.0d0 if ( slonmin = slonmin - 360.0d0 if ( slonmax = slonmax - 360.0d0 * * read solution file of station coordinate and velocity * open(4,file=stnf,status='old') i = 1 30 read(4,'(a)',end=40) head if (head(1:1).eq.'*') goto 30 read(head,35) stnl(i),lonl(i),latl(i), . uxl(i),sxl(i),uyl(i),syl(i),cxy(i) if (lonl(i).gt.180.0d0 ) lonl(i) = lonl(i)-360.0d0 if (lonl(i).lt.slonmin.or.lonl(i).gt.slonmax. . or.latl(i).lt.slatmin.or.latl(i).gt.slatmax) goto 30 if (sxl(i).lt.rsga) sxl(i)=rsga if (syl(i).lt.rsga) syl(i)=rsga i = i + 1 goto 30 35 format(a8,2f10.4,2(f7.2,f5.2),f7.3) 40 close(4) nstn=i-1 iden = 0 do i = 1, nstn-1 do j = i+1, nstn if (latl(i).eq.latl(j) .and. lonl(i).eq.lonl(j)) then print*,i,stnl(i),j,stnl(j) iden = 1 endif enddo enddo if (iden .eq. 1) stop if ( then write(6,60) maxsit stop endif 60 format('# of stations in input file > maxsit',i5, . ', please increase maxsit ...') 61 format('# of creep faults > maxc',i3, . ', please increase maxc ...') * * compute mass center of network * xmean=0.0d0 ymean=0.0d0 do i=1,nstn xmean=xmean+lonl(i) ymean=ymean+latl(i) enddo xmean=xmean/nstn ymean=ymean/nstn * * convert geodetic coordinates into cartesian coordinates * do i=1,nstn lon(i)=lonl(i) lat(i)=latl(i) enddo call llxy(ymean,xmean,lat,lon,nstn) * * compute voronoi area * if ( id_wght.eq.2 ) then do i=1,nstn pos(1,i)=lon(i) pos(2,i)=lat(i) enddo call get_voronoi_area_version_init(nstn,pos,area) do i = 1,nstn call cmp_area1(nstn,pos,np_site,cfa1,i,carea(i)) if ( area(i).eq.-1.0d0 ) area(i) = carea(i) if ( area(i).gt.cfa2*carea(i) ) area(i) = carea(i) enddo endif * * convert geodetic coordinates into cartesian coordinates for creep fault and * compute creep fault's azimuth * if ( ) then call llxy(ymean,xmean,alat,alon,ncrp) call llxy(ymean,xmean,blat,blon,ncrp) do i = 1, ncrp dx = blon(i) - alon(i) dy = blat(i) - alat(i) ds = dsqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) dcs(i) = dx/ds dsn(i) = dy/ds enddo endif * * start interpolation loop * open(9,file=outf,status='unknown') * * check velocity compatibility * if ( id.eq.1 ) then write(9,70) write(9,71) do i = 1,nstn ty(1) = lat(i) tx(1) = lon(i) call visr_core(ty(1),tx(1),min_tau,max_tau,in_tau, . is_wght,id_wght,wt0,id,indxx) if ( indxx.eq.0 ) then v(1)=dsqrt(ainv(1,1)) v(2)=dsqrt(ainv(2,2)) vcrrl=ainv(1,2)/v(1)/v(2) write(9,75) stnl(i),lonl(i),latl(i), . uxl(i),sxl(i),uyl(i),syl(i),cxy(i), . bb(1),v(1),bb(2),v(2),vcrrl,rtau,wtt,chisq,nslct else write(9,76) stnl(i),lonl(i),latl(i), . uxl(i),sxl(i),uyl(i),syl(i),cxy(i),indxx endif enddo endif 70 format('*station longitude latitude observation', . 26x,'interpolation dis. weight chisq', . 3x,'nsite') 71 format(35x,'vx svx vy svy cxy', . 7x,'vx svx vy svy cxy') 75 format(1x,a8,2f10.4,2(2x,4f7.1,f7.2),f9.1,f9.2,f9.2,i6) 76 format(1x,a8,2f10.4,2x,4f7.1,f7.2,2x,7hindex =,i2) * * interpolate velocity * if ( id.eq.2 ) then write(9,80) open(4,file=sitf,status='old') do j = 1, nsite read(4,81) stnl(nstn+1),lonl(nstn+1),latl(nstn+1) do i = 1,nstn if (lonl(nstn+1).eq.lonl(i). . and.latl(nstn+1).eq.latl(i)) then write (9,85) stnl(nstn+1),lonl(nstn+1),latl(nstn+1), . uxl(i),sxl(i),uyl(i),syl(i),cxy(i),0.0,0.0,0.0,0 goto 82 endif enddo ty(1) = latl(nstn+1) tx(1) = lonl(nstn+1) m = 1 call llxy(ymean,xmean,ty,tx,m) call visr_core(ty(1),tx(1),min_tau,max_tau,in_tau, . is_wght,id_wght,wt0,id,indxx) if ( indxx.eq.0 ) then v(1)=dsqrt(ainv(1,1)) v(2)=dsqrt(ainv(2,2)) vcrrl=ainv(1,2)/v(1)/v(2) write(9,85) stnl(nstn+1),lonl(nstn+1),latl(nstn+1), . bb(1),v(1),bb(2),v(2),vcrrl,rtau,wtt,chisq,nslct else write(9,86) stnl(nstn+1),lonl(nstn+1),latl(nstn+1),indxx endif 82 continue enddo close(4) endif 80 format('*station longitude latitude vx svx vy', . 5x,'svy cxy dis. weight chisq nsite') 81 format(a8,2f10.4) 85 format(1x,a8,2f10.4,2x,4f7.1,f7.2,f9.1,2f9.2,i6) 86 format(1x,a8,2f10.4,2x,7hindex =, i2) * * interpolate horizontal station velocities into on spot translation, rotation, and strain rates * if ( id.eq.3 ) then write(9,90) write(9,94) dltlat = latmax - latmin dltlon = lonmax - lonmin nlat = dltlat/dlat + 1.01d0 nlon = dltlon/dlon + 1.01d0 do ilat = 1, nlat tlat = latmin + dlat*(ilat-1) do ilon = 1, nlon tlon = lonmin + dlon*(ilon-1) ty(1) = tlat tx(1) = tlon m = 1 call llxy(ymean,xmean,ty,tx,m) call visr_core(ty(1),tx(1),min_tau,max_tau,in_tau, . is_wght,id_wght,wt0,id,indxx) if ( indxx.eq.0) then do i = 1,6 v(i) = dsqrt(ainv(i,i)) enddo vcrrl=ainv(1,2)/v(1)/v(2) do i = 1,3 x(i) = bb(2+i) do j = 1,3 covx(i,j) = ainv(2+i,2+j) enddo enddo call cmp_strain(x,covx,emax,emaxsd,emin,eminsd, . taumax,tausd,dexazim,azsd,dilat,ddilat) emax = emax*1000.0d0 emaxsd = emaxsd*1000.0d0 emin = emin*1000.0d0 eminsd = eminsd*1000.0d0 taumax = taumax*1000.0d0 tausd = tausd*1000.0d0 dilat = dilat*1000.0d0 ddilat = ddilat*1000.0d0 do i = 3,6 bb(i) = bb(i)*1000.0d0 v(i) = v(i)*1000.0d0 enddo write(9,91) tlon,tlat,bb(1),v(1),bb(2),v(2),vcrrl, . bb(6),v(6),(bb(j),v(j),j=3,5), . emax,emaxsd,emin,eminsd,taumax,tausd,dexazim,azsd, . dilat,ddilat,rtau,wtt,chisq,nslct else write(9,92) tlon,tlat,indxx endif enddo enddo endif 90 format('longitude latitude vx+dvx vy+dvy cxy', . 9x,'w+dw exx+dexx exy+dexy eyy+deyy', . 9x,'emax+demax emin+demin shr+dshr azi+dazi', . 8x,'dilat+ddilat dis. weight chisq nsite') 94 format(' deg deg mm/a mm/a /' . 6x,'nano-rad/a nano-strain/a nano-strain/a ', . 'nano-strain/a nano-strain/a nano-strain/a ', . 'nano-strain/a degree nano-strain/a km', . ' / / /') 91 format(f8.3,f9.3,1x,2(f7.1,f6.1),f7.2,f8.1,f7.1,6(f9.1,f8.1),2f9.1, . (f9.1,f8.1),f9.1,2f9.2,i6) 92 format(f8.3,f9.3,2x,7hindex =,i2) close(9) stop end subroutine visr_core(yy,xx,min_tau,max_tau,in_tau, . is_wght,id_wght,wt0,id,indxx) implicit real*8 (a-h,l,o-z) integer*8 nstn,nslct,ncrp parameter (maxsit=5000,maxc=10,maxstn=2000) dimension lon(maxsit),lat(maxsit),uxl(maxsit),sxl(maxsit), . uyl(maxsit),syl(maxsit),cxy(maxsit),area(maxsit) dimension alon(maxc),alat(maxc),blon(maxc),blat(maxc), . dcs(maxc),dsn(maxc) dimension crp_strk1(maxc),crp_strk2(maxc),is0(maxc),icrp(maxc) dimension istn(maxstn),azi(maxstn),wght(maxstn) dimension a(2*maxstn,6),b(2*maxstn),aa(6,6),aasv(6,6), . ainv(6,6),indx(6),bb(6),v(6) common /veldat/nstn,lon,lat,uxl,sxl,uyl,syl,cxy,area common /crpdat/ncrp,alon,alat,blon,blat,dcs,dsn common /inv_v/bb,ainv,rtau,wtt,nslct,chisq common /prmtr/ pi,cov,cutoff_dis,wt_az * * compute relation between interpolation point and creep fault * do i = 1, ncrp icrp(i) = 0 dx = alon(i) - xx dy = alat(i) - yy ang1 = datan2(dy,dx)/cov y1 = -1.0d0*(dy*dcs(i)-dx*dsn(i)) dx = blon(i) - xx dy = blat(i) - yy ang2 = datan2(dy,dx)/cov if ( ang1.eq.ang2 ) then is0(i) = 0 ! interpolation point is located on the delay line of creep fault ? goto 20 endif if ( y1.eq.0.0d0 ) then indxx = 4 ! interpolation point is located on crrep fault goto 60 endif is0(i) = y1/abs(y1) 20 if (ang2 .gt. ang1) then crp_strk1(i) = ang1 crp_strk2(i) = ang2 else crp_strk1(i) = ang2 crp_strk2(i) = ang1 endif dang = crp_strk2(i) - crp_strk1(i) if ( ) then ang_tmp = crp_strk1(i) + 360.0d0 crp_strk1(i) = crp_strk2(i) crp_strk2(i) = ang_tmp icrp(i) = 1 endif enddo * * start data selection. * do 30 itau = min_tau, max_tau, in_tau if (itau.eq.max_tau) goto 60 indxx = 0 nslct = 0 rtau = itau do 10 i = 1, nstn if ( id.eq.1.and.lon(i) ) goto 10 dx = lon(i) - xx dy = lat(i) - yy dr = dsqrt(dy**2+dx**2) ang_s1 = datan2(dy,dx)/cov rt = dr/rtau if (rt .le. cutoff_dis) then do j = 1, ncrp if (icrp(j) ang_s1=ang_s1+360.d0 dx = alon(j) - lon(i) dy = alat(j) - lat(i) y1 = -1.0d0*(dy*dcs(j)-dx*dsn(j)) if ( y1.eq.0.0d0) then is1 = 0 else is1 = y1/abs(y1) endif if ( then if ( . ang_s1.le.crp_strk2(j)) then goto 10 endif endif enddo nslct = nslct + 1 istn(nslct) = i endif 10 continue if ( then indxx = 1 goto 30 endif ! no interpolation for n_slct < 3 if ( then write(6,62) maxstn stop endif 62 format('# of selected stations > maxstn',i5, . ', please increase maxstn ( visr_core )...') * * estimate azimuthal coverage. * do i = 1, nslct dx = lon(istn(i)) - xx dy = lat(istn(i)) - yy azi(i) = datan2(dy,dx)/cov enddo azimax = azi(1) azimin = azi(1) do i = 2, nslct azimax = max(azimax,azi(i)) azimin = min(azimin,azi(i)) enddo dazim1 = azimax - azimin if (dazim1.le.180.0d0) then indxx = 2 goto 30 endif ! no interpolation for dazi < pi do i = 1, nslct if (azi(i).lt.0.d0 ) azi(i) = azi(i) + 360.0d0 if ( i.eq.1 ) then azimax = azi(i) azimin = azi(i) else azimax = max(azimax,azi(i)) azimin = min(azimin,azi(i)) endif enddo dazim2 = azimax - azimin if (dazim2.le.180.0d0) then indxx = 2 goto 30 endif ! no interpolation for dazi < pi * * compute data spatial density weighting * if ( id_wght.eq.1 ) then azi_avrg = wt_az*360.0d0/nslct azi_tot = (1.0d0+wt_az)*360.0d0 do i = 1, nslct daz1 = 180.0d0 daz2 = -180.0d0 do j = 1, nslct if (i.eq.j) goto 22 dazi = azi(j) - azi(i) if ( dazi = dazi - 360.0d0 if ( dazi = dazi + 360.0d0 if ( daz1 = dazi if ( daz2 = dazi 22 continue enddo wght(i)=(0.5d0*(daz1-daz2)+azi_avrg)*nslct/azi_tot ! compute azimuthal weighting enddo endif if ( id_wght.eq.2 ) then sum_area = 0.0d0 do i = 1, nslct sum_area = sum_area + area(istn(i)) enddo sum_area = sum_area/nslct do i = 1, nslct wght(i) = area(istn(i))/sum_area enddo endif npr = 2*nslct wtt = 0.0d0 do i = 1, nslct dy = lat(istn(i))-yy dx = lon(istn(i))-xx dr = dsqrt(dx**2+dy**2) if (is_wght .eq. 1) wti = dexp(-(dr/rtau)**2)*wght(i) if (is_wght .eq. 2) wti = wght(i)/((dr/rtau)**2+1) wtt = wtt + 2*wti a(2*i-1,1)=sqrt(wti)/sxl(istn(i)) a(2*i-1,2)=0.0d0 a(2*i-1,3)=sqrt(wti)*dx/sxl(istn(i)) a(2*i-1,4)=sqrt(wti)*dy/sxl(istn(i)) a(2*i-1,5)=0.0d0 a(2*i-1,6)=sqrt(wti)*dy/sxl(istn(i)) a(2*i,1)=0.0d0 a(2*i,2)=sqrt(wti)/syl(istn(i)) a(2*i,3)=0.0d0 a(2*i,4)=sqrt(wti)*dx/syl(istn(i)) a(2*i,5)=sqrt(wti)*dy/syl(istn(i)) a(2*i,6)=-1.0*sqrt(wti)*dx/syl(istn(i)) b(2*i-1)=sqrt(wti)*uxl(istn(i))/sxl(istn(i)) b(2*i)=sqrt(wti)*uyl(istn(i))/syl(istn(i)) enddo if (wtt .lt. wt0) then indxx = 3 goto 30 endif ! no interpolation for total weight < weighting threshold ww = 0.0d0 do i = 1, npr ww = ww + b(i)**2 enddo do i=1,6 do j=1,i aa(i,j)=0.0d0 do k=1,npr aa(i,j)=aa(i,j)+a(k,i)*a(k,j) enddo aa(j,i)=aa(i,j) enddo enddo do i = 1, 6 do j = 1, 6 aasv(i,j) = aa(i,j) enddo enddo do i=1,6 bb(i)=0.0d0 do j=1,npr bb(i)=bb(i)+a(j,i)*b(j) enddo enddo * * solve b=n*x. * call dludcmp(aa,6,6,indx,d) call dlubksb(aa,6,6,indx,bb) * * invert n. * do i=1,6 do j=1,6 ainv(i,j)=0.0d0 enddo ainv(i,i)=1.0d0 enddo do i=1,6 call dlubksb(aa,6,6,indx,ainv(1,i)) enddo call mat_aba(bb,aasv,6,xaax) chisq = ww - xaax goto 60 30 continue 60 return end subroutine cmp_strain(x,covx,emax,emaxsd,emin,eminsd, . taumax,tausd,dexazim,azsd,dilat,ddilat) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension x(3),covx(3,3),v(3) common /prmtr/ pi,cov,cutoff_dis,wt_az * * estimate principle strain rates emax, emin, maximum shear tau_max, * and dextral tau_max azimuth * emean=(x(1)+x(3))/2.0d0 ediff=(x(1)-x(3))/2.0d0 taumax=dsqrt(x(2)**2+ediff**2) emax=emean+taumax emin=emean-taumax azim=-datan2(x(2),ediff)/cov/2.0d0 azim=90.0d0+azim dexazim=azim+45.0d0-180.0d0 * * estimate sigma of tau_max * v(1)=(x(1)-x(3))/4.0d0/taumax v(2)=x(2)/taumax v(3)=-v(1) call mat_aba(v,covx,3,tausd) tausd=dsqrt(tausd) * * estimate sigma of emax * v(1)=0.5d0*(1+(x(1)-x(3))/2.d0/taumax) v(2)=x(2)/taumax v(3)=0.5d0*(1-(x(1)-x(3))/2.d0/taumax) call mat_aba( v,covx,3,emaxsd) emaxsd=dsqrt(emaxsd) * * estimate sigma of emin * v(1)=0.5d0*(1-(x(1)-x(3))/2.0d0/taumax) v(2)=-x(2)/taumax v(3)=0.5d0*(1+(x(1)-x(3))/2.0d0/taumax) call mat_aba(v,covx,3,eminsd) eminsd=dsqrt(eminsd) * * estimate sigma of azimuth * cf=1.0d0/((x(1)-x(3))**2+4.0d0*x(2)**2) v(1)=cf*x(2) v(2)=-cf*(x(1)-x(3)) v(3)=-v(1) call mat_aba(v,covx,3,azsd) azsd = dsqrt(azsd)/cov * * compute dilatation and its sigma * dilat=x(1)+x(3) ddilat=dsqrt(covx(1,1)+covx(3,3)+2*covx(1,3)) return end subroutine mat_aba(a,b,n,aba) integer*4 n real*8 a(n),b(n,n),aba aba=0.0d0 do i=1,n do j=1,n aba=aba+a(i)*b(i,j)*a(j) enddo enddo return end subroutine llxy(slatm,slonm,slat,slon,m) * * subroutine to transfer latitude and longitude into local x y. * * input: * slatm: latitude of reference point for local coordinates, in degree. * slonm: longitude of reference point for local coordinates, in degree. * slat : array coordinate of latitude to be transferred, in degree. * slon : array coordinate of longitude to be transferred, in degree. * m : number of points to be transferred. * output: * slat : y array after transformation in km. * slon : x array after transformation in km. * implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer*8 m dimension t(3,3),vp(3),v(3) dimension slat(m),slon(m) * pi = 4.0d0*datan(1.0d0) rlatc = slatm*pi/180.0d0 rlonc = slonm*pi/180.0d0 * * calculate local radius of curvature (r) using reference earth nad * 1983 (semi-major axis is 6378.137,flattening factor is 1/298.2572) * flat = 1.0d0/298.2572d0 esq = 2.0d0*flat - flat**2 q = 1.0d0 - esq*dsin(rlatc)*dsin(rlatc) r = 6378.137d0*sqrt(1.0d0 - esq)/q * * construct transformation matrix * t(1,1) = dsin(rlatc)*dcos(rlonc) t(1,2) = dsin(rlatc)*dsin(rlonc) t(1,3) = -dcos(rlatc) t(2,1) = -dsin(rlonc) t(2,2) = dcos(rlonc) t(2,3) = 0.0d0 t(3,1) = dcos(rlatc)*dcos(rlonc) t(3,2) = dcos(rlatc)*dsin(rlonc) t(3,3) = dsin(rlatc) * * calculate xl,yl,dis (vector in local coordinate) * do 9 i = 1,m slat(i) = slat(i)*pi/180.0d0 slon(i) = slon(i)*pi/180.0d0 v(1) = dcos(slat(i))*dcos(slon(i)) v(2) = dcos(slat(i))*dsin(slon(i)) v(3) = dsin(slat(i)) do j = 1,2 vp(j) = 0.0d0 do k = 1,3 vp(j) = vp(j) + t(j,k)*v(k) end do end do slon(i) = r*vp(2) slat(i) = -r*vp(1) 9 continue return end subroutine dlubksb(a,n,np,indx,b) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension a(np,np),indx(np),b(np) ii=0 do 12 i=1,n ll=indx(i) sum=b(ll) b(ll)=b(i) if ( do 11 j=ii,i-1 sum=sum-a(i,j)*b(j) 11 continue else if ( then ii=i endif b(i)=sum 12 continue do 14 i=n,1,-1 sum=b(i) if( do 13 j=i+1,n sum=sum-a(i,j)*b(j) 13 continue endif b(i)=sum/a(i,i) 14 continue return end subroutine dludcmp(a,n,np,indx,d) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) parameter (nmax=1000,tiny=1.0e-20) dimension a(np,np),indx(np),vv(nmax) d=1.0d0 do 12 i=1,n aamax=0.0d0 do 11 j=1,n if (abs(a(i,j)).gt.aamax) aamax=abs(a(i,j)) 11 continue if (aamax.eq.0.0d0) write (6,100) vv(i)=1.0d0/aamax 12 continue 100 format('singular matrix.') do 19 j=1,n if ( then do 14 i=1,j-1 sum=a(i,j) if ( do 13 k=1,i-1 sum=sum-a(i,k)*a(k,j) 13 continue a(i,j)=sum endif 14 continue endif aamax=0.0d0 do 16 i=j,n sum=a(i,j) if ( do 15 k=1,j-1 sum=sum-a(i,k)*a(k,j) 15 continue a(i,j)=sum endif dum=vv(i)*abs(sum) if ( then imax=i aamax=dum endif 16 continue if ( do 17 k=1,n dum=a(imax,k) a(imax,k)=a(j,k) a(j,k)=dum 17 continue d=-d vv(imax)=vv(j) endif indx(j)=imax if( if(a(j,j).eq.0.0d0)a(j,j)=tiny dum=1./a(j,j) do 18 i=j+1,n a(i,j)=a(i,j)*dum 18 continue endif 19 continue if(a(n,n).eq.0.0d0)a(n,n)=tiny return end subroutine cmp_area1(nstn,pos,np,cfa1,ith,area_ith) implicit real*8 (a-h,l,o-z) integer*8 nstn dimension pos(2,nstn),dsmin(np) pi = 4.0d0*datan(1.0d0) is = 1 dsmax = 0.0d0 90 dsmin(is) = 1000000.0d0 do i = 1,nstn if ( then dx = pos(1,ith)-pos(1,i) dy = pos(2,ith)-pos(2,i) ds = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) if ( ) then dsmin(is) = ds endif endif enddo dsmax = dsmin(is) if ( ) goto 100 is = is + 1 goto 90 100 area_ith = 0.0d0 do i = 1,is area_ith = area_ith + dsmin(i) enddo area_ith = cfa1*area_ith/is/2.0d0 area_ith = pi*area_ith**2 return end